Monday, June 2, 2008

There's no way for my first blog to not be about God.

Whether playing handball is evil or not, I do not have the answer.

I woke up a lot later than I planned to- 10 am. I comforted myself with the excuse that I hadn't reposed enough the past weekend because of the agape retreat. I went along with my day's schedule missing out on devotions due to the late awakening. I proceeded to have my third driving lesson and came back home to read online articles concerning the impoverish states of those in other countries. It's absolutely necessary to always be reminded of those who are physically suffering (I believe the term "less fortunate" is incorrect).

I pride myself in walking for a whole hour from Flushing to Bayside. I stopped by Peck Park and started reading the book of Ephesians. It was what the retreat was focused on and I realized that I never read the full book yet. Plans with Ramon was ditched and so I hung with Linda at the library and then St. Francis Prep's handball courts. Holman joined us a bit later and played for quite some time. I bussed back to Flushing and did random online stuff (facebook, aim, e-mails, the likes).

All the meantime, as I was walking to Bayside, as I was reading the Bible, as I was playing handball, I wonder to myself- have I glorified God today? Have I gotten closer to Him? I had fun hanging out with church friends. Perhaps that's part of unity. But did I really glorify God to the fullest of my ability? I didn't really think today was a waste. It was rather fun and I got closer with friends. I thought stuff out. I resolved some problems in my mind. I never want to forget God's purpose in life for me. I hope to fulfill it each and every day. Perhaps I may not see how at times, but I need to rethink and make sure that what I'm doing is what God desires for me to do.