Thursday, June 21, 2012

z. day 282 double it up

The grass withers, the flower fades
    when the breath of the Lord blows on it;
    surely the people are grass.
The grass withers, the flower fades,
    but the word of our God will stand forever.

Isaiah 40:7-8:

If our lives were merely a vapor in the wind, how is it so often we trust our own thoughts, our own experiences, even people around us more so than the Word of our God which stands through the ages of time? Even if I may not initially agree with a command or see the point of it, does it make sense to not follow it?

Been reminded to not waste my precious merciful time here at umich, a life undeserved, a life bought by the blood of Jesus. Striving hard to learn surrender and openness and dependence.

Usual weekly schedule events:
---research, PUBS meeting/projects, life group named Cross-fit, AIV summer sg, sometimes prayer meetings, volleyball, reading (what a great joy), art and design (font project), sermon listening, jdramas, manga, guitaring, hangouts. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

y. day 267 what to do once i reach z

It feels like I've been reading all the right parts of the right books at the right time. I always read 4 or 5 books at once and even though the topics are different, they sync together pretty well sometimes. At times, they connet with the sermons I hear or stuff I go through daily. Anyways, one thing I've come across recently was the idea of how fruit comes in seasons, not all the time. It talks about it in Psalm 1, about cultivating your heart and meditating day and night so that in season, you will produce fruit. We can't rely on intense spiritual experiences all the time to feel connected to God. There are times when they come, but our job is to be faithful and continue to obey and read His Word even if it may be dry at times.

Quick Updates:
--research has been somewhat better as i'm taking more control of the stuff i'm doing. also learning how to make use of any down time i have in research to do something productive or worthwhile
--life group with harvest for spring/summer term is joined with grad students, single adults, and married couples. it's quite exciting as i hear perspectives coming from parents who have kids and hearing older men share their wisdom and experiences. still in process of getting to know them.
--going through the book of Daniel for aiv sg. it's been good and i always look forward to seeing aiv ppl.
--got a 30 day rec pass to play vball at the ccrb. ppl who go now on fri and sat nights are the older grad students/working ppl so games are more fun. still trying my best to not focus too much on myself but try to help others improve. 
--started messing around with illustrator and love it greatly. really fun stuff.