Thursday, December 24, 2009

14 shooting wasps from the rooftop of adjacent buildings

i think i'm making this more complicated than it should be. i am an amateur afterwards. my goals are too high for this. got caught up with the whole perfection of it. toning it down a bit. hope you don't mind miss. i apologize for my incompetence. it's my first time after all. give me a break.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

52 a fifty word story

Joey, third of five,left home at sixteen, travelled the country and wound up in Nottingham with a wife and kids. They do shifts, the kids play out and ends never meet. Sometimes he'd give anything to walk away but he knows she's only got a year and she doesn't.

A Life- by Jane Rosenberg, Brighton, United Kingdom

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

13 the jack of clubs

Life as I come to know it, is full of worries- full of empty cisterns. Grades determine out happiness. Jobs ensure our security. Talents certify our acceptance. Pleasures justify our actions. The only true peace I find is knowing the truth; it is knowing that these are not ultimate things; these are not eternal; it is knowing there is something greater- someone greater. In the midst of stress, trials, temptations, heaviness, gravity, hopelessness, shame, pity, scorn, failures, it is knowing I am who He made me to be. I am His beloved- nothing less. It is only a matter of time before I believe.

Monday, December 14, 2009

150 this was from yesterday

what do i have to give? I have nothing to teach, nothing to offer. what can he possibly learn from me? or maybe it is i the one being taught.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

66 cause eldridge is not a number

I would come to believe that you write the crappiest stuff when you are emotionally distressed. Let's change that around. You are emotionally distressed when you write the crappiest stuff. This is what I mean.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

12 it's pouring outside

people validate you stories. they let you know that you're not making stuff up. whether today was a good day or bad depends on whether or not someone had the chance to share it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

77 imperfection

clearly, this whole blog thing isn't working out for me. i feel as if i'm too busy to post, or more like it's useless to post. also it's because i've always been too caught up with perfection. i need my entries to be organized, short, clear, concise, powerful, elegant, a step towards perfect, though i admit the entries are far from.

from now on, my entries will be more random, more disorganized, more unreadable, more imperfect. perhaps then i'll start to write. i also hate it when i try to be witty in the midst of imperfections. too much thinking.

really need a new perspective of life right now. been too caught up with everything. things are not terrible don't get me wrong. just need to think more, though thinking can be so annoying.
of course money grows on trees...what century are you living in?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

number four- the missing piece

i've been reading the Pursuit of Elegance by Matthew E. May. it's a really interesting book- focusing on the idea of, obviously, elegance. i will pose more art relating to the ideas of elegance. elegance is marked by mainly four ideas- symmetry, seduction, subtraction, and sustainability.

if you haven't recognized already, which you should, this picture is the upper case E. "it's the transformative idea that lies at the heart of elegance: what isn't there can often trump what is."-M.E. May

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

number three- june 23, 2009

tribute to the person who is coming back today. the artwork is simple, but ripped off from the drawings of virginia tech's explanations for relativity. the characters in this scene are yang, daniel, and debra. think you can figure out who's who.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

number two- organized chaos

i realize i'm not a talented online blog updater. here's art from saturday. this is the outside of qhc, done with the help of 4 other guys.

it intrigues me how in the midst of chaos and randomness, that there is order in the overall picture. when one is in the midst of the chaos, everything around him is chaos. however, when one sees the entire picture, one can truly appreciate and relax since everything is so well planned and organized. the world is a replica of this phenomenon. we are in the midst of chaos until we see things from God's perspective. many a times, we complain of sufferrings and hardships and evil in the world, but take a step back and know that God is in direct control of everything. how does one know that the initial sufferring cannot bring goodness of a situation? one cannot and does not want to eliminate sufferring in the world. as long as love exists, sufferring exists. plus, sufferring is a byproduct of free-will. without free-will, this world would be hell, perhaps. i'm not a fan of long entries so i apologize for unexpanded thoughts.

[[i really hate the format of this blogger thing. inputting pictures and all that makes the whole post very hard to manage. i'm not sure if i'm the only one with this problem. either way, it's not worth explaining.]]

Saturday, June 6, 2009

number one- rectangular circles

It's simply ironic that these entries are dated but that just shows I'm a failed aesthetic believer. I will continue to be one as long as people criticize me.

The change in title from "memento mori" to "ars gratia artis" is lucid. The focus will primarilly be on art. No need to say more. So I've decided to go on a journey through to summer to create a work of art every day.

The following piece was constructed yesterday with the usage of Orbit Mist gum wrappers. It has beautiful design and tastes good.

Click for better view.