Tuesday, June 9, 2009

number two- organized chaos

i realize i'm not a talented online blog updater. here's art from saturday. this is the outside of qhc, done with the help of 4 other guys.

it intrigues me how in the midst of chaos and randomness, that there is order in the overall picture. when one is in the midst of the chaos, everything around him is chaos. however, when one sees the entire picture, one can truly appreciate and relax since everything is so well planned and organized. the world is a replica of this phenomenon. we are in the midst of chaos until we see things from God's perspective. many a times, we complain of sufferrings and hardships and evil in the world, but take a step back and know that God is in direct control of everything. how does one know that the initial sufferring cannot bring goodness of a situation? one cannot and does not want to eliminate sufferring in the world. as long as love exists, sufferring exists. plus, sufferring is a byproduct of free-will. without free-will, this world would be hell, perhaps. i'm not a fan of long entries so i apologize for unexpanded thoughts.

[[i really hate the format of this blogger thing. inputting pictures and all that makes the whole post very hard to manage. i'm not sure if i'm the only one with this problem. either way, it's not worth explaining.]]

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