Wednesday, May 26, 2010

89 the misery of the uneventful

so along with my usual reading, i've been looking up some anime. i've been impressed at that i actually found 3 pretty good ones. that's rare. i hope these rising artist up their game in story plot and wit. drawings are usually good, for the most part. i talk of "Working," "something Maid," and "Durarara."

i was watching nickelodeon and disney channel today and was very impressed with the artistry in the transitions and short scenes. though there are still many obvious flaws with several shows and lame jokes, overall, lots of them are pretty good.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

36 got two more to go

this upcoming week will be tecbc 2010. i'm quite excited as i'll be going as a bible study along with several other college students. hopefully have a positive influence on high school kids. i'm sad none of the members of my specific crew goes to stuy though. oh wells, i guess Jesus loves them still. anyways, been studying the passage in Matthew 14 where Jesus walks on water and Matthew 28 with the Great Commission. It's quite surprising how much stuff i learned from other people's insights. it really blows my mind every time how little i know about the Word- motivation to read, and to read in depth.

Monday, May 24, 2010

54 waking up dead inside of my head

so today i went with my sis to get vaness wu's autograph. i didn't really know who he was except that he's from f4 and recently became a Christian. i guess that's good enough. waiting for 2 hours nearly and got his autograph on a poster, along with evonne hsu, who i had no idea who she was. she was a lot prettier in person than on google images. now i got a poster of both their signatures. i guess i'll hang it up sometime.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

20 it's been five years i guess

so Basileia was sick. anyways, i haven't updated. cool story about today. so at Basileia, i prayed that the vision would be so real that every morning we would be excited to get up and carry forth the vision, praying for people, and expecting God to do great things. so this morning, i was just lying in bed for a good 30 minutes pondering about whether i should get up or not since i didn't need to wake up so early and wondering what i'll do today. suddenly, the vision hit me, and a cooper person came to mind that i needed to pray for in relation to the vision. that excited me to get up and shower and then pray. it was quite cool.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

8 the day carrot was born

So it's May 8th, a typical Saturday in the life of many. There's a CNN showing partnered with Discover the Journey (Christian organization) talking about the aftermaths of Haiti and testimonials at 8 pm. Check it out.

Anyways, I guess I'll dedicate this entry to an art person friend of mine whom I never really hung out with though I knew her for two years and will continue this way til who knows when.

The title is of the piece is "5 Rabbits 8 Carrots."

Here's the black and white version in case you're interested. The font was hand-created to be Helvetica.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

64 i've been posting too often, my bad

it's crazy how real dreams are and how much it affect your emotions and subconscious mind. this morning was a sad day. i had several short sad moments in my dreams. i really don't recall them well- only two of them.

the first, we were going to someplace i have no idea where in a bus/train and i was sitting next to venus the entire time- devastating. it was like a coach bus i suppose. but then it stopped at stations that were pretty much train stations with tracks and all. the second one involved going to carrot's apartment except it was more of a dorm cause all her art friends were there and lived next door and so. she was skipping out on friday fellowship to do schoolwork. the frightening part was when i met her future roommates which were weird people since apparently she was desperate to find people to live with her (obviously this is not real life!).

Than once again, as usual, i woke up and the sky became more blue.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

40 there sure are a lot of asians at Redeemers, esp girls

Sitting on the bench of the subway station on some random Sunday morning, I reflect. I remember the times when the weather was as beautiful as today- with the sun shining bright and a little breeze at just the right moments- except back in the day, I didn't cherish it. What was on my mind then, I have no idea. I was probably with my mother and most probably my brother, riding the subway and thinking about what a scary thought it'd be to ride the steel boxed container on my own. It's crazy how the mind of a mind is so wrapped in a sense of dependence. However, it soon evolves and expands as he grows and becomes capable to think for himself and rely on himself. This is the story of a boy who becomes a man and a man who becomes independent. Sooner or later, he realizes that his mind never evolved to be self dependent. It was merely the intoxication of his imagination.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

51 summer with its crazy warm weather

in case you thought you were smart and figured something out, i honestly did not use "51" because of May 1st. just wanted to clarify.

Alvin hooked me up with Cake. I've got it from him for a long time now but just never took the effort to check it out. It's sooo good. Anyways, May 1st is exciting. I should be wearing the Ayiti shirt to re-raise awareness for Haiti's crisis, except i never got one. I should have; so regret it now. CNN will be airing a testimonial of people in Haiti, partnering along with Discover the Journey, on May 8th at 8 pm. Check it out. Decently encouraged.