Tuesday, October 25, 2011

i. day 63 random occurrences tells a tale

The art of writing is quite a relief to have, not just so that you can distinctly express your thoughts and emotions and bring them to life instead of hiding them in the back of your mind where no one can testify to their existence, but because you start to see things more in an objective point of view, a bigger picture.

To see your own life unfold in a manner as if you were not the one living it is quite an experience. You start to wonder why you fear the things you fear or even do the things you do. What if our lives were like any other stories we read in books or see in movies?

Updates on the week:
--two midterms this week (took one today- one of my hardest class)
--another midterm next week
--played bball and vball on the weekends as usual

1 comment:

Yang said...

Very interesting point. It is also good to write them down and look back someday to see how you have changed in your perspective of the circumstance over time.