Saturday, October 29, 2011

j. day 67 never realized how good Aladdin was

Sadly no basketball this morning, but volleyball later on tonight. Anyways, I don't know why my midterms seem extra hard this year. I've looked at old exams and they were understandable and doable but all the ones I've had thus far felt different. Oh wells. I feel like I'm learning tons when I'm studying so that's a plus. Crazy stuff, the midterm I took on tues, he gave back thurs. Didn't do as bad as I expected but still not what I desired. Then again, grades aren't everything.

Cooper people are at Big Event right now. Really excited for them. Hope to hear awesome testimonies not simply about Big Event but about what happens in school after. Compelling (Michigan's equivalent to Big Event) will be in two weeks. I'm mad excited for that too. Then, there's Veritas forum next week at UMich, which I've seen a few youtube videos but never experienced one.

I feel like there wasn't much substantial stuff in this entry but oh wells. Just normal blogging I suppose. Here's one random interesting thing: I feel like i haven't been really hungry for a long time. There's always food around so I can easily eat- whether it be full meals or just pop tarts or cereal bars and cereals or ramen or chocolates or cookies. I suppose it's good and bad.

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