Monday, March 15, 2010

10 go to nyu or go play neopets

the more i read about it, the crazier it gets. these are lives of human beings created in the image of God. these are happening every second of the day, right now as i am typing, as i am breathing. what's crazy is the ignorance of the people who can do something about it- the ignorance of the church. i'm not here to simply blame the church, but it's staggering to know that we have so much abundance that we can easily lift the poorest 1 billion people in the world out of EXTREME poverty. The total income of American churchgoers is 5.2 trillion (more than 5,000 billion). The poverty gap between the rich and the poor is ridiculous and sickening.

Money isn't the only thing i refer to however. Food- a child dies every 5 seconds from hunger-related causes. some 350-400 million children are hungry every day. Water- 1 of 6 do not have access to clean water, with many walking miles everyday, missing school and work to fetch for water that is tainted and filled with parasites. Malaria, TB, HIV and AIDs, lack of shelter, abandonment, abuse, WAR and displacement.

How can we live life the way we do still after knowing such things happening in the world every second of our lives? What does God expect of us? "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2

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