Saturday, March 20, 2010

113 the simplicity of life

we live in such a complex world. we live in an age where abundance overwhelms and consume us. there's so many things to do, so many hobbies we can pick up. Communication via the net or the phone or the travelling creates an environment where people stay connected- so many different people to talk to, to catch up with, to meet. All around us are commercialized buildings with stores full of clothing and furniture and jewelry and bizarre items, where buying more than we need don't seem too much. there are so many different styles and designs and functions, as well. so many new ideas spring up and philosophical debates arise and solution proposes. i don't think we're made to live such complex lives. we only get lost in it.

it's the idea of being jack of all trades but king of none. the idea of knowing everyone but not knowing a single one. the idea of having everything but not using any of it. the idea of knowing a lot but forgetting a lot. being caught up in all these things, being consumed by these, focusing energy and time of these- perhaps that is the tragedy of the modern man.

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