Friday, April 30, 2010

88 a live plastic roach the size of a shoe

Peace. Peace is the presence of a Being, not the absence of negative or stressful thoughts. Going through finals week with exams and projects can often be a test of discipline, mental power and character. I believe that peace is important in every circumstance- good or bad. Finals week can easily be stressful. However, we do not overcome it by ignoring our studies or not thinking about the amount of work we have to do. That would simply be running away from reality. Peace comes from the presence of the Creator, who loves us and wants us to be at peace. It is important to not get caught up with studies and work but to sit back and think- think about what we are here on earth for- think about what is really important in life. The presence of the Being gives us peace that transcends all understanding. The presence of our Savior changes everything.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

33 apple pie yogurt

Thus the LORD, the God of Israel, said to me: "Take from my hand this cup of the wine of wrath, and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it." Jeremiah 25:15

So I took the cup from the LORD’s hand, and made all the nations to whom the LORD sent me drink it:... Jeremiah 25:17

It's verses like these that you must stop and ponder a bit. First, we see the beauty of how the Lord commands something, and immediately, the receiver (in this case Jeremiah the prophet) obeys. But what was interesting to me was how Jeremiah took the cup from the Lord's hand. What is that supposed to mean? I suppose you wouldn't translate this literally, although I'm not sure if i can tossed out this idea entirely. Whichever the case, I see a strong sense of connection between God and man- Jeremiah hears the Word of God (as with other prophets) directly and is without a doubt sure that he's communicating with God. Also, I wonder how it was possible for Jeremiah to make all the nations whom God sent him to give to drink it. It must of taken him a few years (though it felt only like a couple of days when i read through the Word). What did it look like to go to a king and be like, drink from this? It is quite weird.

Monday, April 26, 2010

47 what Greek philosophers got wrong was the controlling of one's virtues

The Word really has its way of convicting humankind. I suppose it is more accurate to say the Spirit. I'm beginning to read it a little differently now. I'm beginning to take it at face value. When it says sin leads to death, it means sin leads to death. When it says those who walk in darkness are not children of God, those who do not love his brother does not know God, it means just that.

Our culture has a way of skewing the Truth discretely little by little and interpret everything according to certain preconceived ideals. Sure, there are some things that are gray and tough to decipher, but there are many more things that are black and white, that are moral and immoral, that are good and bad, that leads to life or to death. Do not let our culture and ideals and desires alter His Word. Let the Truth stand, not unquestioned, but uncompromised.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

301 write Your name upon my heart

it's amazing listening to old songs that i use to love but grown too used to. i remember it was fairly new listening to Sonic Flood and a few other artists in hs and i loved it immensely. after not hearing them for 4 years or so, it brings back memories. it's usually the now boring old songs that pack meaning with power.

Monday, April 19, 2010

28 it makes it fifty cheaper

i suppose one usually talks about one's experience after one has come back from a decent long trip.

Aside from getting zero work done, my trip to Binghamton University had been a blast. For one it was relaxing and fun. Kevin treated me most of the meals and we played ball quite often, while I got to chat with Vicki a good bit. Hung with them both and Debra a lot. It was a very interesting experience but i shall only share one aspect.

I suppose it's that one needs to chill with school a bit more often sometimes and not get too caught up. It made me understand what enjoyment is about a bit more. I did get a chance to review orgo so that was exciting as well.

Friday, April 16, 2010

76 bouncing in two hours

Yesterday was an exciting day. It was one of the most relaxed I ever had I suppose. Earlier this week had been quite unnerving as there were projects and homeworks and other stuff to be done. It was also exiting cause I got to hear about nyu aacf leadership switches. That's pretty much all I wanted to say. Sometimes, excitement is so intense that writing it (or typing it to be technical) calms me.

Anyways, I recently saw a tedtalk on the warnings against 'local warming.' it was quite a serious talk with lots of laughter in the background. He talked of the postures people have when they blog and the location of the laptop. He talked of studies showing high risks of some random disease or damages created from the heat of laptops. thought it'd be appropriate to mention this on a blog. it was really one of the more boring talks I've seen on that site. The origami and many others were quite sick.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

29 spring chickens on cake pops

i was walking on the streets today and i realized something. when i talk to people about a fact, such as- this chair is wooden or the bathroom is to your right or Fick's law determines the rate of passive diffusion relating concentration, thickness, diffusion coefficient and other stuff. when i talk of scientific facts or historical events, i speak of them with no alterations, with assurance that the listener accepts as fact.

what would it look like if i talked about God like that. i realize that i always want to make sure i can prove what i say and defend the faith before i tell others about my experiences or thoughts. what if i talked of my experiences as direct facts. yeah, Jesus did rise from the dead a couple thousand years ago. yeah, He is living now. assurance. no questions asked.

this was a terribly written entry but my thoughts stay. i have not the time to revise.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

39 it's too sad to be told at this moment

Who Moved My Cheese- Spencer Johnson. One of the most popular, if not -the- most popular business book sold in the last decade. It spoke of two mice, Hem and Haw, who dwelt in a maze. One day, after years of finding cheese in the same exact location, they awoken to the terror of their precious cheese missing. One sat back and whined, wanting to wait for the cheese to reappear while the other wanted to explore new parts of the maze to find more cheese. In the end, the adventurous mouse convinced his friend to search for food with him. There are lessons to be learned in this story. Change is inevitable. One can whine and complain about their situation or one can suck it up and deal with it and move on.

Labyrinths are interesting. I never knew.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

84 the day that dinosaurs died

this mother was sitting down, holding her 3 year old daughter as i got on the 6 train. a couple of stops later, she carried her to leave. the cool thing was that the little girl waved and said "buy buy" to this random asian kid sitting down.

the incident reminds me of what He says about the little children- that they are innocent and pure. nyc is full of ignorance and busy-ness or rush-ness. strangers don't generally say hi or talk to each other. our culture makes it seem stalker-ish or weird or perhaps even rude. it all seems normal because we've become used to it. no need to be friendly to everyone we see. they mind their own business while i mind mine. yet, when He designed the world, i believe He wants us to love each other, even strangers. what does that look like? nyc is weird because they are a massive load of people. it all reminds me of how dominantly our culture has replaced the Word of the Great I AM in our lives. I need to read.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

67 today is april first two thousand ten

I am very excited to see how He works at campus. It matters not whether I doubt or not. Or maybe it does a bit. I'll try my best not to. I should talk to them more.