Tuesday, April 6, 2010

84 the day that dinosaurs died

this mother was sitting down, holding her 3 year old daughter as i got on the 6 train. a couple of stops later, she carried her to leave. the cool thing was that the little girl waved and said "buy buy" to this random asian kid sitting down.

the incident reminds me of what He says about the little children- that they are innocent and pure. nyc is full of ignorance and busy-ness or rush-ness. strangers don't generally say hi or talk to each other. our culture makes it seem stalker-ish or weird or perhaps even rude. it all seems normal because we've become used to it. no need to be friendly to everyone we see. they mind their own business while i mind mine. yet, when He designed the world, i believe He wants us to love each other, even strangers. what does that look like? nyc is weird because they are a massive load of people. it all reminds me of how dominantly our culture has replaced the Word of the Great I AM in our lives. I need to read.

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