Thursday, November 25, 2010

750 setting up digital cable modem

To condense this section into one paragraph is too challenging. Therefore, there shall be two. It's been bugging me more as of lately though i've read through explanations of such for quite some time. the thing i love about AW Tozer is that he explains things so clearly, evidently, and honestly that there isn't room for more interpretation.

A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven (John 3:27). So much of the church today secures in theology and intellect and reason. This is good. However, man by reason alone cannot know God. Spirit can embrace the intellect but the human intellect can never comprehend spirit. Reason can bring us as far as the external of truth but the deeper mysteries of God remain hidden until we receive illumination from God. Mental failure often leads us to secure spiritual pleasures by working upon fleshly emotions and synthesizing feelings from intense music and artistry. Much of the church today do not rely on the Spirit.

This whole idea leads on to who and when and why does God reveal His Spirit? is it our fault if He chooses not to enlighten us? This question was raised by myself recently as i was sharing the Gospel with my friend and a couple of times in the past. i told them what i told them but the Gospel is not something they just simply accept and be done with. they can't force an encounter with God. i had troubling answering when they will encounter God. it's more of a matter that they seek after Him.

I wonder whether i will ever get an answer as to when and why God chooses to reveal Himself to people, even to me for the matter. Regardless, there are some thing that are kept as mysteries and our job is solely to fall more in love with Him and to respond to what He chooses to reveal to us. That, I shall do.

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