Wednesday, September 14, 2011

d. day 22 ambition

So I went to HMCC's life group (essential a small group, except with 20ish people) last night and was seriously blessed. Our theme for the semester was something along the lines of "expecting the extraordinary." When was the last time you woke up in the morning expected something great to happen? How can our lives be anything less of extraordinary when we live it out for God? Do our lives really look different from the lives of other people on campus? Extraordinarily so?

Our vision was along the lines of "living as a biblical community," and it's crazy how much last night reminded me of the early church in Acts. Leaders were great, members were excited to see each other and interested in getting to know others, there was food, a home-y environment, creativity, etc. I was very amazed. It's humbling to see God place me in such an environment of growth where I can truly say that it's all Him who's working and teaching and lifting me up and nothing on my part, no leadership or talents or dedication or righteousness.

It's crazy cause the theme relates to the book I JUST started reading called 'The Slumber of Christianity' by Ted Dekker, talking about how Christians have settled for less than what God intended. No one thinks about heaven with excitement anymore. Everyone's motto has become, "life sucks, and then we die." We take in earthly pleasures as if they're the best thing on earth and we stop longing for greater things.

I need to start doing some homework now.

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