Monday, September 5, 2011

a. day 13 here at ann arbor

It's Labor Day and school starts tomorrow. I've forgotten what it felt like to not know anyone and to make new friends in the midst of not knowing anyone, until this past week. I find blessing in this for I can better identify with those who are new to a fellowship or to a church or to any kind of organization. I only wish I do not forget this.

Highlights so far:
--all three roommates are white and from Michigan, one is 5th year, a 3rd year, and a transfer freshmen (who's probably the same age as a third year).
--three orientations where I got good info on the school and everything (madonna and lucy lui attended umich, as well as the co-founder of google and a lead engineer in ipod)
--walked around north and central campuses quite a lot (i live in north campus and central is a 40 minute walk)
--played bball and vball and the NCRB, rec center which is less than a block from where I live.
--found out there's a cube, identical to the one on Astor Place, near a building called the Michigan Union
--met ppl from IV GCF (grad) and AIVCF (asian) at a BBQ event
--went to New Life Church and First Presbyterian Church
--went to Harvest Missions Community Church and was blown away by the excellence in which they run services and the quality in their welcoming. praise was great, media team was great, sermon was great. plugging ppl into community and making them feel welcomed was great.

I tried my best to be brief but it's been 13 days since i've arrived.

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