Tuesday, November 15, 2011

m. day 84`give myself away

Compelling was this past weekend at a hotel at Michigan State University. I enjoyed it for the most part. To be brief, I shall only share one thing I learned, or rather, one thing I believed more strongly. I was struck by the idea of how perhaps God's Sovereignty is tied to human prayers. Now, this is not because we have the power to control Him or anything, but it is because He chose to effect change on the earth this way. One of the common mentalities in prayer is that God is sovereign and all-powerful and He will do whatever He needs regardless of whether we take action or whether we pray or not. While this is still true of certain cases, the crazy thing is how He lets us affect the way He moves- that unless we pray, He won't take action. In this way, it actually brings Him more glory in the end for He uses imperfect, sinful, weak human beings to effect change on this earth. There's certainly more to prayer than this but I thought it was such an absurd yet beautiful thought, of how God uses the imperfect to accomplish His works for glory's sake and for love's sake, that we may be part of His story.

Actions taken/to take this week:
--started reading A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller again (really really good as with his other books)
--bought several books on prayer and wish to immerse myself with stories and mindset of prayer
--lots of work to catch up since I didn't do any this past weekend though it should be manageable
--trying to hang with or keep in connection with more people from aiv on a more consistent basis. chilling with Chris Chou for a little bit later on today.

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